Explainer Video Production

There are multiple clearly defined steps that we go through in our explainer video production process. Here is an outline of our formula, one that has served us well and delivered many successful projects over the years. You can learn more about our animation journey here.

Explainer Video Production

Kickoff and Ideation: Welcome to the start of your explainer video production! Here, we figure out the main message and who you want to reach. It’s all about coming up with fun and clear ideas that make your explainer video stand out.

Scriptwriting: Next up in explainer video production is scripting. We take those ideas and boil them down to an engaging script that’s easy to follow. This script is the heart of your explainer video production process, setting the stage for everything that follows.

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Storyboarding: With the script in-hand, explainer video production moves to the storyboard. This is where we sketch out your video scene by scene. Think of it as a comic strip version of your explainer video, ensuring everything looks just right before we dive deeper.

Animation: Now, the real magic of explainer video production happens—animation! Your storyboard comes to life, visuals that move and inspire. This step turns static images into the dynamic core of your explainer video production.

explainer video production
Explainer Video Production

Voice-over: While animators do their thing, voice actors give your explainer video its voice, literally! They make sure the tone matches the energy and message of your video, making everything feel seamless.

Post-production: Finally, explainer video production wraps up with post-production. Here, we mix your animation, voice-over, music, and sound effects to create a polished, cohesive explainer video. It’s the final touch that ensures your video is ready to wow your audience!

Explainer Video Production

Each of these steps is key in crafting an explainer video that’s not just informative but also a delight to watch. Ready to get started on your own explainer video production journey? Let’s make something amazing together!

We can jump in at any stage!